CASA AGRICOLA SANTOS JORGE, S.A., was established in 1967 with the purpose of exploring the land of HERDADE DOS MACHADOS , 6 Kms. away from MOURA.
HERDADE DOS MACHADOS was an estate created in the end of the 19th century, by one of the most important landowners of Portugal, with different properties in Alentejo.
This Herdade with 6 100 hectares was, then, an example of a property , exploring all the capacities of the land and also with all the means of transforming the products with up to date facilities for wine, olive oil, and being also equipped with all the sufficient machinery. Besides wine and olive oil (with pressers and cellars), the Herdade also had a production of goat and sheep cheese.
The area of olive trees was 1 500 hectares – the biggest in the Iberian Peninsula – and the Estate had also cereals, irrigated land, forest, forage and fruit areas, vineyards, and Selected breed of cattle : Cows and Horses.
It also had all the facilities for the workers, like houses for their accommodation, a school and medical assistance.
After the revolution of 1974, the Herdade was taken by the workers, influenced by left wing radicals.
When in 1980 the government started to establish the new law of the Agrarian Reform, they divided the land in small parcels and returned to CASA AGRICOLA SANTOS JORGE,S.A., at that time, only 342 hectares. The rest of the land was rented to “small farmers”.


CASA AGRICOLA SANTOS JORGE,SA,is exploring today around 2.000 ha., from which 500 ha  of olive trees, 65 ha of vineyards, 180 ha almond trees and also some areas of cereals and forest.
It is part of ROTA DOS VINHOS DO GUADIANA, and to be able to visit it, please contact previously.